Friday, March 07, 2008

cuddly bird seeks head scritches

whoever said you can't cuddle or pet a bird, doesn't know me.

just in case you might be the forgetful type, i'll remind you at 4pm each day that it's time for a head scritch.

i don't know what i'll do when daylight savings begins.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Saturday, October 13, 2007

dancing bird

i know it's been a long time, but i just returned from a 2-week visit with the bird-sitter and i'm processing the whole experience. nice to spend time with other birdie-folk who speak my language. glad to be home, but now it's egg-laying time and so much to do.

meanwhile, my person showed me this video of a dancing cockatoo:

the only cute things i do are giggle and sit and look cute. i'm very good at that, too, if you don't mind my saying. i bet i can also out-squawk that cockatoo. but now my person is watching that cockatoo more than she's watching me. maybe when i get my house back in order here, i should take some dancing lessons.

Sunday, August 14, 2005

Monday, August 01, 2005

welcome to my birdie blog

hello! as you can see i've got my own blog now. i hope i can fill it with interesting stories. let's see, where did we leave off. oh yes, the vet visit. well, we discovered that i wasn't eggbound, but i was given vitamins and put on a regimen of antibiotics. little drops of some substance my person put in my water. she was concerned it might taste funny and i wouldn't drink it. i don't know why she worries so much. i thought it was great and even took a bath in it!

anyway, i didn't even know i had an infection, but i must have, because i feel better, my eyes sparkle more, and i've laid three more eggs. another thing that exasperates my human. but oh well, i'm a bird, laying eggs is part of the birdie scene.

i'm busy right now, but i'll blog more later.